Groysman sure Ukrainian flag to be raised above liberated Crimea and Donbas

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman has expressed confidence that the State flag of Ukraine will be raised above Crimea and Donbas.
"The blue and yellow flag is a special symbol for Ukrainians under this flag millions of our compatriots had fought to the bitter end to gain independence. Blue and yellow colors symbolize the heroic struggle, invincibility and state building," the congratulation by the premier on the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine posted on the Cabinet's website says.
When Ukraine gained independence in 1991 there was no doubt that the colors of Ukrainian flag should be blue and yellow.
Groysman noted that "the best sons and daughters of Ukraine are fighting again under our national flag."
"We believe that the day will come when the national flag will once again be raised over liberated Crimea and Donbas," the head of the government said.
"Our duty to the present and future generations to make the National Flag of Ukraine known all over the world as a symbol of a successful country that has overcome external threats and internal challenges and formed a fair and prosperous society," he added.