16:40 26.07.2019

Investigators suspect illegal activities among Kyiv District Administration Court judges

2 min read
Investigators suspect illegal activities among Kyiv District Administration Court judges

Law-enforcers have said they have found instances of Kyiv District Administrative Court judges influencing Ukraine's Constitutional Court on rulings regarding illegal enrichment and lustration, as well as consideration of legislation in parliament and investigations undertaken by the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI).

This was the information revealed in a video clip at a joint press conference attended by National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Director Artem Sytnyk and head of Special Investigations Department of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) in Kyiv on Friday.

"There have been instances of influencing judges of the Constitutional Court regarding decisions on illegal enrichment and lustration, and influencing High Council of Justice members, in particular, through deputies, as well as promoting legislation in parliament. Attempts have been made to sway judges of the Administrative Court of Appeals and to influence investigations of the SBI through the leader of the agency," the text said in the video clip.

In addition, according to the investigation, investigators have recorded instances where influence was exerted on the consideration of decision-making in cases concerning clarifications of the Central Election Commission (CEC), cancellation of government decisions on tariffs, competitions at the SBI, on possible cancellation of the arrest of the property of disgraced ex-President Viktor Yanukovych, as well as in cases involving the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate).

Conversations among the court leaders about serving the former government and changing political course, discussing their 'professionalism,' which is the ability to influence state and socially significant matters through decisions of the court heads and acquaintances, were recorded, according to the investigators.

There were recorded conversations that may indicate that the head and judges of court committed corrupt criminal offenses, including obtaining unlawful benefits.

"Information has also been documented on the influence of the official under Yanukovych on changes in the leadership of the judiciary and the appointment of controlled persons," the video clip said.

"The video clip we have just shown, and a more elaborate version we will show later… shows what the investigation actually reveals and the lines of inquiry we are pursuing. …A lot of information needs to be checked in the future," Sytnyk said.