National Police designated as National Bureau of Interpol – government resolution

National Police designated as National Bureau of Interpol – government resolution
KYIV. Dec 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) - The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has designated the National Police as the National Bureau of Interpol.
According to government resolution No. 968 of December 13, the National Police acts as the National Central Bureau of Interpol.
The head of the working apparatus of the bureau for disciplinary rights is equal to the head of the department of the apparatus of the central administration of the National Police.
The head of the National Police was instructed to submit reports to the Ukrainian interior minister in January every year for informing the government about the results of the activities of the National Central Bureau of Interpol.
Interpol is an international organization whose main task is to unite the efforts of the national law enforcement agencies of the participating countries in the field of combating crime.