15:06 04.12.2017

Almost 40% of Ukrainians don't believe in reform success

2 min read
Almost 40% of Ukrainians don't believe in reform success

 Among the surveyed citizens of Ukraine, 39.7% do not believe in the success of reforms in the country and 42% believe that nothing has been achieved to implement the necessary reforms, according to a poll conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Ukrainian Sociology Service.

In particular, 39.7% of respondents do not believe in the progress of reforms; 26.9% - do not believe in general, but hope, 21.6% - believe, although have doubts, - 5.5% are confident of conducting reforms, while 6.3% of them found it difficult to answer.

Answering the question how they assess the progress of reforms, and how much was done of what the government had to do, 41.5% of those surveyed said nothing has been done, - 35.2% think that about 10% has been done, - 10.5% believe that no more than a third has been done, - 2.5% think no more than a half has been done, while 0.4% consider that the most of the necessary reforms have already been done. Some 9.8% of respondents found it difficult to answer this question.

In the course of the survey, 1,614 respondents aged over 18 years were interviewed. The poll was conducted from October 23 until November 5 in all regions of the country (except for Crimea and occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions). The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.6%.