MP Friz links Serbia claims against Ukraine ambassador to his remarks on Serbian mercenaries

Bloc of Petro Poroshenko MP Iryna Friz sees claims by the Serbian side against Ukrainian Ambassador Oleksandr Aleksandrovych for his statements about the involvement of Serbian mercenaries in the war against Ukraine and criticism of Serbian-Russian relations as attempts to distract attention from the pro-Russian position of Serbia.
"Since there are no grounds and preconditions for the development of the conflict and disagreements between Ukraine and Serbia, Belgrade's political position can only be stipulated by the Kremlin's instructions. I am convinced that the Serbian side's reproaches to Ambassador Aleksandrovych are aimed at diverting attention from Serbia's actions on supporting the anti-Ukrainian position of Belgrade, which it has recently demonstrated," she wrote on her page on Facebook.
According to the MP, over the past three years Belgrade has not brought to justice its citizens participating in hostilities on the side of the Russian occupation groups in the east of Ukraine.
She also recalled that in 2016, Serbia voted against the UN resolution on the violation of human rights in the annexed Crimea.
"This and other repeated manifestations of Belgrade's support for Russian policy towards Ukraine, its tacit consent regarding the occupation of Crimea and part of Donbas are clear examples of Serbia's pro-Russian policy," she said.
Earlier media reports said that the Serbian Foreign Ministry had condemned critical remarks made by Ukrainian Ambassador in Belgrade Oleksandr Aleksandrovych on Russian-Serbian relations and his statement about the participation of Serbian mercenaries in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.