I don't intend to flee Ukraine and will prove my innocence - CEC Head Okhendovsky before NABU interrogation

The head of Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CED) Mykhailo Okhenovsky has called criminal proceedings involving him a rehearsed "spectacle" orchestrated by the National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU). He said he will cooperate with the investigation, however.
"Everything is clear. There is no evidence of my committing any criminal acts and there can be one. I am convinced that if the investigation will be objective and unprejudiced that Ukrainian courts will demonstrate the fake nature and ungrounded charges against me," Okhendovsky told to journalists in Kyiv on Thursday before being questioned by NABU agents.
In addition, Okhendovsky said he could not name the "organizer" of the case against him.
"I think the organizer should be named by the investigators and, I hope, the investigation will take up this question," the CEC head said.
Okhendovsky said he is ready to answer all questions, but noted his lawyers have still not seen case materials.
"All I have in my hands is the text of suspicion against me. I don't have anything else," he said.
As earlier reported, during the evening of December 13 Okhendovsky was served notice of suspicion of being involved in the so-called "black accounting books" used by Party of Regions [when disgraced former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was in power]. He is suspected of violating Parts 3 and 4 of Article 368 of Ukraine's Criminal Code (receiving large-scale bribes).
The total sum of the alleged bribes equals $162,000 or about UAH 1.29 million.
Okhendovsky failed to appear for scheduled questioning by NABU agents on December 14 for personal reasons.