13:25 09.12.2016

U.S., EU, Canada encourage Ukraine to continue anti-corruption reforms

2 min read
U.S., EU, Canada encourage Ukraine to continue anti-corruption reforms

The Embassy of Canada, the Embassy of the United States and the EU Delegation to Ukraine encourage the country to continue on the path of ambitious reforms, in particular, the establishment of the High Anti-corruption Court, new financial police and credible verification of submitted e-declarations.

"We strongly encourage the independent and credible verification of submitted e-declarations," the embassies said in a joint statement of the embassies published on December 9 on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day.

The embassies applauded the impressive steps taken since the Revolution of Dignity, including the adoption of constitutional amendments on the judiciary and of anti-corruption legislation, the establishment of specialized anti-corruption bodies, and the successful launch of the electronic asset declaration system.

"We also encourage Ukrainian authorities to complete the establishment of the new Asset Recovery and Management Office (AMRO) so that this institution can commence its operations in early 2017 and fulfill its critical tasks," the embassies said.

Representatives of the United States, EU and Canada voiced their support for the establishment of the High Anti-corruption Court and they stand ready to provide assistance as this process is being developed.

"We stress the importance of completing the creation of the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) in a transparent manner, which can ensure its independence and credibility," the embassies said.