16:59 07.10.2016

Venice Commission head worried Constitutional Court will be swamped with complaints from Ukrainians

1 min read
Venice Commission head worried Constitutional Court will be swamped with complaints from Ukrainians

Head of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) Gianni Buquicchio fears that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine will be swamped with a huge number of constitutional complaints from Ukrainians, and says the court should prepare for reviewing such complaints.

At a briefing in Kyiv on Friday, he said that the fact that citizens received the right to send appeals to the Constitutional Court (constitutional complaint) is a step forward towards democracy and the rule of law.

However, the grounds should be laid for this process, that is why the Venice Commission has always insisted on the need to work out the efficient mechanism of action of this institute, he added.

Buquicchio stressed the Venice Commission is interested in preparing for these innovations in Ukraine because they fear that otherwise the Constitutional Court may be unable to cope with the huge number of complaints.

The Venice Commission head asked the head of the Constitutional Court to immediately begin training the court staff and every judge of the court in the matters related to consideration of individual complaints.

According to him, this work should be started before the parliament passes the law on the Constitutional Court.