14:21 23.02.2016

National TV council asks Polish regulator to help to increase number of Polish TV channels in Ukraine

1 min read
National TV council asks Polish regulator to help to increase number of Polish TV channels in Ukraine

The National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting has asked the Polish regulator for television and radio broadcasting to help to increase the number of Polish TV channels in Ukraine, the Ukrainian regulator has reported on its website.

"The initiative is linked to obtaining many applications from Ukrainian providers and distributors who express a desire to re-broadcast Polish TV channels," the council said.

The Ukrainian regulator promises to resolve the procedural issues as quick as possible to receive a possibility of broadcasting Polish TV channels in Ukraine.

The council said that today the re-broadcasting list used by cable providers to select TV program packages includes four Polish TV channels: Polonia, ТVP Info, ТVP Historia and ТVP Кultura.