16:13 20.01.2016

Dutch PM vows to promote EU-Ukraine Association Agreement before referendum in the Netherlands

1 min read
Dutch PM vows to promote EU-Ukraine Association Agreement before referendum in the Netherlands

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is of huge importance, that's why it is on the agenda of the Dutch EU's presidency program, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday.

Answering the questions of MEPs following the presentation of Dutch EU's presidency program, Rutte said that the Netherlands also are longing for the agreement since, on the one hand, this is a Free Trade Area (FTA) Agreement, and on the other hand this is an agreement related to the stability along European Union's borders.

The PM assured that that in this very case he doesn't mean an advance step in Ukraine's joining the EU.

So Rutte promised during the referendum in the Netherlands over ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement to promote this agreement together with his colleagues.