Poroshenko enacts bill on strengthening guarantees of IDPs' rights and liberties

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has enacted bill No. 2166 on strengthening guarantees of rights and liberties of internally displaced persons (IDPs).
The document amends some Ukrainian laws on the provision of IDPs' rights and liberties. According to the amendments, the notion "IDP" is specified, the guarantees of IDPs are improved, particularly, guarantees of the creation of conditions for voluntarily return of IDPs to the places where they lived or their integration at the new place of their residence in Ukraine.
According to the amendments, the procedure for receiving IDP certificates was improved, and the necessity of registering the place of residence for IDPs is revoked.
Amendments to the law on freedom of movement and travel and free choice of residence are made. According to the amendments, the IDP registration certificate is removed from the list of required documents, and information about the place of residence and the place of location is included.
The bill was passed by parliamentarians on November 3, 2015, although Poroshenko vetoed the document and returned it to parliament with his proposals. The president proposed that the agency (officials) that is responsible for revealing facts of the absence of IDPs at the place of their residence and confirming the information that IDPs were displaced within the country is selected. The mechanism for checking this information and the facts that IDPs were absent at the place of their residence for a long period of time is specified, the president proposed.
Parliament passed the bill with the president's amendments on December 24, 2015 with 266 supporting votes.