OPORA NGO registers 1,118 violations of election law by Monday morning

OPORA NGO had registered 1,118 violations of election laws in Ukraine by 04:00 Kyiv time on Monday, October 26, and the violation of pre-election campaigning rules is the most frequent one, OPORA coordinator Olha Aivazovska said.
"As of 04:00 Kyiv time, we'd registered 1,118 cases in Ukraine. This is a high indicator, but these are the violations which also include the election campaign, and about 400 were registered on the polling day alone. The update will be announced later on today," she said on TV Channel 112 Ukraine on Monday morning.
She said that the violations should be compared with the 'top rating' of the violations committed during the previous elections.
"If we speak about the entire campaign in general, the violation of pre-election campaigning rule ranks first. Vote buying goes second. Unfortunately, this phenomenon still exists. Violations committed by election commissions rank third. The situation is similar to that in 2014, whereas the years 2010-2012 saw the use of administrative resources at the first place, whereas nowadays it occupies fifth or sixth place. And the administrative resources are used locally," she said.
In her words, voter turnout reports were represented correctly on the average, and they do not show any unnatural growth that could point to any fraud.
"The turnout at the local elections was natural, and it does not show that voters decided to ignore the election campaign or they have a more negative attitude to the politicians or their rights to vote," she added.