11:13 14.08.2015

Cabinet redistributes nearly UAH 300 mln for strategic priorities of transport development

1 min read
Cabinet redistributes nearly UAH 300 mln for strategic priorities of transport development

The Cabinet of Ministers has instructed the Ministry of Finance in 2015 to send the remaining balance of UAH 294.422 million, received in the previous periods to the special fund of the national budget from the European Union as the first three tranches within the implementation of the agreement on financing the program "Assistance in the implementation of Ukraine's transport strategy," to the Ministry of Infrastructure for realizing strategic priorities of transport development.

The decision was fixed in government order No. 816-r of August 12, the text of which has been posted on the website of the Cabinet.

The Ministry of Finance was also instructed to ensure the definition of the budgetary program and making appropriate amendments to the national budget, the State Treasury Service was ordered to transfer these funds to the Infrastructure Ministry, and the latter to ensure the use of these budget funds in accordance with the procedure of using national budget funds to support the implementation of state policy in the transport sector.