12:23 18.06.2015

European Commission to release document on measures against Russia propaganda by late summer

1 min read
European Commission to release document on measures against Russia propaganda by late summer

The European Commission hasn't prepared a detailed document on countermeasures against Russia propaganda which was planned to be released in March, and the document is now expected to be ready in late summer.

Lithuanian MEP Petras Austrevicius (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) told journalists in Brussels that parliamentarians need more time, meaning the document will probably be ready by late July or the end of summer.

The MEP said a propaganda war meant not just Russia against individual EU member states, but against Western Europe in general as well.

Speaking about propaganda activities, Austrevicius said this concerns not just the mass media but the financing of political parties as well.

He mentioned the visit of French National Front leader Marine Le Pen to Moscow two weeks ago, who he said asked for a credit line for the party worth EUR 9 million.

The MEP said he believed Le Pen was probably given instructions.

He added that it is unacceptable for political parties to receive aid from third countries.