Amnesty International: decision to classify deaths of Russian soldiers attacks freedom of expression

Amnesty International NGO has said the decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, making the deaths of Russian forces "in peacetime" a state secret, is yet another attack on freedom of expression in the country, the NGO's press service has reported.
"The new decree, which bans all information about the losses of Russian troops 'during special operations' in peacetime, comes amid longstanding accusations that President Putin has sent military assistance to separatists in eastern Ukraine," reads the report.
"Not only is this decree a blatant attack on freedom of expression, it also has sinister undertones that will intensify speculation President Putin has something to hide – specifically losses incurred by Russia's military in Ukraine," said John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International's Europe and Central Asia Director.
According to Dalhuisen, this step raises some disturbing questions, such as whether journalists and civil activists reporting on alleged losses in Ukraine in the future might be criminally prosecuted for treason. In particular, in August 2014, several journalists were assaulted in separate incidents as they attempted to report on secretive funerals of Russian military personnel allegedly killed in Ukraine.
According to Amnesty International, the decree also means that the families of soldiers killed during 'special operations' will be deprived of the truth about the fate of their loved ones.
As the organization reported, the Kremlin has consistently denied sending troops and weapons to help separatist forces in Ukraine. However, satellite images and testimonies taken by the NGO indicate irrefutable proof of Russia boosting its weaponry and artillery in eastern Ukraine, and of Russia instigating separatists to commit war crimes.