PGO investigating Boiko's rigs case, Ukrgazvydobuvannia case

The Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) is conducting a pretrial investigation into the so-called "Boiko's rigs" case, and into the case of public joint-stock company Ukrgazvydobuvannia, the defendants in which are lawmakers, MP Andriy Levus (People's Front) has said.
He, along with other MPs, met with First Deputy Prosecutor General Volodymyr Huzyr on Thursday.
"We asked him questions on crimes committed by Bakulin [Yevhen Bakulin – former head of Naftogaz Ukrainy, Opposition Bloc), Boiko [Yuriy Boiko – energy and coal industry minister during the Yanukovych regime, Opposition Bloc], Yaroslav Moskalenko and Onischenko-Kadyrov [Oleksandr Onischenko, People's Will]. He informed us that under our requests two pre-trial investigations under Article 191 – embezzlement in the case of "Boiko's rigs," it has been revealed, and the second for Ukrgazvydobuvannia's case. The defendants in the cases are these lawmakers," Levus told reporters near the PGO building.
As reported, a group of lawmakers have demanded that the Prosecutor General opens criminal proceedings against certain MPs, in particular, Opposition Bloc and People's Will MPs.
MP Ihor Alekseyev (People's Front) said that under his request the PGO opened criminal proceedings into the alleged financing of terrorism during the purchase of a stake in Inter TV channel from Russia’s ORT channel via offshore companies, the end owners of which are Ukrainian oligarchs Dmytro Firtash and Serhiy Liovochkin.
He said that the financing of terrorism is punishable by imprisonment of between ten to 12 years.
Alekseyev said that the lawmakers have demanded that the PGO conducts the entire range of relevant investigative actions, including interviews with Liovochkin and Firtash.