20:27 04.10.2013

Tymoshenko's agreement to treatment in Germany opens way to signing Association Agreement, says MEP Kowal

1 min read

Head of the European Parliament's Delegation of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, MEP Pawel Kowal has said he was impressed by the news about former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's agreement to travel to Germany for treatment, and noted that this step opened the way to the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, as well as proving that Ukrainian politicians realize that national interests are of priority importance.

"I'm impressed by this news. It was very important to me to see that Ukrainian politicians on opposite sides of the political barricades can stand above their political fights and put the national interests above all at the historic moment for Ukraine," he said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

"I'm sure that the president will respond in the near future. This will open the way towards the signing of the Association Agreement," Kowal said.

As reported, Tymoshenko accepted a proposal to undergo treatment in Germany from former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and former European Parliament President Pat Cox.

The European Parliament's mission members visited the ex-premier at Kharkiv-based Central Clinical Hospital No. 5 on October 3.