Bill on Prosecutor's Office to be sent to Venice Commission on Friday, says presidential advisor

The bill on the Prosecutor's Office, which has been completed by the presidential administration, will be sent for examination by the Venice Commission on Friday, August 2, an adviser to the president of Ukraine, Andriy Portnov, has said.
"On Friday, August 2, we are sending it to the Venice Commission to get an assessment by the experts of the Venice Commission and the Council of Europe. We expect that the Venice Commission will draw its conclusions in September. We're looking forward to constructive proposals and comments from European experts, on the basis of which the document will be revised," Portnov said in an interview with the Kommersant Ukraine newspaper published on Friday.
"We will need around a week for this, after which the bill will go to parliament, which will be the legislative initiative of the president. If the Verkhovna Rada is able to adopt the document at first reading in early October, than it will have to be adopted at second reading by the end of October, so that we could count on its signing in November," the presidential adviser said.
According to the newspaper, the bill provides for the total abolition of the general supervision by the prosecutor's office, the liquidation of 122 prosecutor's offices and reducing the powers of the remaining ones. The term of office, the procedure of appointment and dismissal of the prosecutor general will remain unchanged because of constitutional limitations, which the presidential administration expects to be the subject of criticism by the Venice Commission.