13:04 30.01.2013

Ukraine placed between Algeria and Honduras in 2013 world press freedom index

1 min read

Ukraine has slid ten positions down in the Reporters Without Borders' annual world press freedom index, and is now between Algeria and Honduras.

Ukraine fell from the 116th place in 2012 to 126th in this year's press freedom ranking by the French non-governmental organization Reporters without Borders.

Russia was 148th, down from 142nd in 2012.

"In Eastern Europe, Russia (148th, -6) has fallen again because, since Vladimir Putin's return to the presidency, repression has been stepped up in response to an unprecedented wave of opposition protests," the report reads.

Finland, the Netherlands and Norway lead the press freedom index, which was published at the end of January 2013. Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea are at the very bottom of the list.

The list includes 179 countries.