16:35 16.01.2013

Yanukovych signs decree on State Employment Service

2 min read

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has signed decree No. 19/2013 on the State Employment Service of Ukraine.

According to the document, the president ordered the formation of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, and the approval of relevant regulations on it. The decree reads that the State Employment Service of Ukraine "is a successor of the respective state employment agencies."

The document also makes a number of amendments to the central executive agencies' organization and interaction chart, as well as regulations on the State Labor Inspectorate and on the Social Policy Ministry.

The president instructed the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to bring its instructions into line with the decree within three months, disband the current state employment service, and carry out other necessary measures.

The decree takes effect on the date of its publication.

The Regulations on the State Employment Service of Ukraine, which are attached to the presidential decree, read that the service is a central executive agency subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers, and in particular that the social policy minister coordinates its activities. The service is an executive agency in charge of the implementation of state policy in the sphere of employment and labor migration.

The regulations outline the main tasks, functions, organizational actions, rights, administrative rights, and the framework of its cooperation with other agencies.

According to the regulations, the service is headed by a chairman and two deputies. They are appointed by the premier and dismissed by the head of state. The social policy minister nominates candidates for the post of the service's chair, and the chair nominates candidates for his or her deputies.

Currently the State Employment Service of Ukraine operates in the country. It is an executive directorate of the Ukrainian Obligatory State Social Insurance Fund for Unemployment Cases.