14:24 30.10.2012

Observers from Polish Sejm: Election campaign was unfair, while voting and counting were transparent

1 min read

The mission of observers from the Polish Sejm has noted the transparency of the election process on Election Day, but the election campaign itself was unfair.

The head of the observer mission from the Polish parliament, Miron Sycz, said that observers had divided the election campaign in Ukraine into two stages, particularly the day of voting and the counting of votes, and the election campaign.

"The tabulation and the stage of voting, in my opinion, were standard, transparent and clear ... The period of the election campaign was not good, and it is necessary to work on it. Perhaps, this could be fixed by changing the election law," he told journalists in Kyiv on Monday.

The mission's observers noted that during the election campaign there was ambiguity and non-transparency of campaign funding, as well as a lack of access of some candidates to the media.