12:24 12.12.2024

URCS transfers stands on explosive objects to Main Directorate of State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson region for teaching children

1 min read
URCS transfers stands on explosive objects to Main Directorate of State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson region for teaching children
Photo: https://www.facebook.com/RedCrossUkraine

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) transferred informational 3D stands Explosive Objects to the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson region for teaching children.

"Kherson region remains one of the most contaminated with explosive remnants of the war in Ukraine. This is a real threat to the life and health of local residents, especially children. That is why the Ukrainian Red Cross Society initiated the transfer of informational and visual 3D stands Explosive Objects to the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson region," the URCS reported on Facebook on Thursday.

The stands will be used in safety classes and will help teach children the basics of behavior with explosive objects. The information materials provide an idea of ​​what explosive objects look like. They tell what to do if a suspicious object is found and how to act to avoid injuries and protect people nearby from them.

This initiative is another step in creating a safe environment in the region affected by the military actions.