Ministry of Economy sets gasoline, diesel fuel price caps for mid-May

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine has announced the average cost of gasoline at UAH 33.36 per liter and diesel fuel at UAH 35.31 per liter, from which price caps of fuel at filling stations for the middle of May are calculated.
According to the data on the website of the Ministry of Economy, taking into account the highest trade margins, the price cap for not premium gasoline for its sale through a network of filling stations shall not exceed UAH 39.86 per liter, for not premium diesel fuel – UAH 42.31 per liter.
Compared to the beginning of May, the average price for gasoline grew by UAH 2.17 per liter, and for diesel fuel it reduced by UAH 0.32 per liter.
As reported, the government of Ukraine for the period of the quarantine introduced state regulation of prices at filling stations, setting the maximum levels of the trade markup to the average selling price of fuel. The latest values: gasoline – no more than UAH 6.50 per liter, diesel fuel – no more than UAH 7 per liter.
The Cabinet of Ministers also allowed gas stations to set the price of branded premium fuel without restrictions, provided that they also sell fuel at state-regulated prices. Previously, retail prices for branded fuel could not exceed state-regulated retail prices by more than 5%.