11:01 22.06.2020

NABU accusations that Omelyan lowered port dues are far-fetched – Head of Federation of Metallurgists

2 min read
NABU accusations that Omelyan lowered port dues are far-fetched – Head of Federation of Metallurgists

 Head of the Federation of Metallurgists of Ukraine (FMU) Serhiy Bilenky has said that the decision to cut port dues made by ex-infrastructure minister Volodymyr Omelyan was right, and respective accusations by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) are far-fetched.

The head of the FMU expressed support to the former minister of Ukraine and thanked him for such a decision on his page in the social network Facebook.

"I want to support ex-Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan. Mr. Volodymyr and I are not friends and saw each other only at meetings, but little bit of support wouldn't kill anybody. Reducing port charges is definitely not a crime against the state. They need to be further reduced to the level of country competitors. It is crime to silence the problem and do nothing. Far-fetched accusations of NABU, whose detectives we maintain from our taxes, are crime. Volodymyr, metallurgists, miners and other exporters are sincerely grateful for your initiative! I am sure that this suspicion has no judicial prospects. Hold on," Bilenky wrote.

As reported, the NABU and SAPO reported suspicion to former Ukrainian Minister Volodymyr Omelyan on June 19. The ex-minister is suspected of committing illegal actions, as a result of which the state budget has not received UAH 30.5 million. The actions of the ex-official are qualified according to Part 2 of Article 211 (publication by the official of a normative legal act, which reduces budget revenues contrary to the law, if the subject of such actions was budget funds in especially large amounts) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.