Assets of Ukrainians who harm Russia to be blocked - Medvedev

Russia will block assets belonging to Ukrainians in its territory whom Moscow designates as causing the country harm, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said.
"This is about blocking their assets in Russian territory - that is, a ban on performing any actions involving them," Medvedev said when asked by Interfax what measures Russia plans to take in response to Ukrainian actions that Moscow sees as unfriendly.
Second, the measures will include "a ban on transferring money kept in sources located in Russian territory - that is, a ban on the withdrawal of capital," he said.
"Finally, third, we are talking about banning certain categories of goods manufactured in Ukraine for shipment to the Russian Federation. Although our Ukrainian colleagues don't really try to highlight this, the mutual trade turnover between Ukraine and Russia is quite significant. At billions of rubles, this trade turnover is one of Ukraine's biggest," Medvedev said.