Business ombudsman's office proposes government change criminal law to reduce pressure on business

The Business Ombudsman Council has proposed the government convene an expert group to develop changes to criminal laws, which would reduce pressure on business on the part of law enforcement agencies.
"We propose to the government set up an expert group to develop amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code, inviting our experts, law enforcement authorities, the Ministry of Justice and other interested parties to take part in the process," Business Ombudsman Algirdas Semeta said at a press conference.
Deputy Business Ombudsman Yaroslav Hryhorchak explained that today one-third of complaints from businesses concern the actions of law enforcement agencies, in particular, the tax police.
According to him, major violations relate to the opening of criminal proceedings, refusal to open criminal proceedings, violations during investigations and the inefficient administration of pre-trial investigations.
He also added that the business ombudsman's office proposes putting amendments to criminal laws, which would more protect businesses from law enforcers.