15:58 07.10.2015

Online access to real estate register currently done via registration on Justice Ministry website - resolution

2 min read
Online access to real estate register currently done via registration on Justice Ministry website - resolution

Access to the state e-register of rights to real estate, prior to the introduction of identification of individuals and legal entities based on information from the state register of individual taxpayers or the BankID system, is carried out through registration on the official website of the Justice Ministry by registering the full name, registration number of a taxpayer registration card, and the series and number of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

Corresponding Cabinet decree No. 786 dated September 30, on amending the order of keeping, access and disclosure of information from the state register of rights to real estate, has been published in the Uriadovy Kurier newspaper.

If an individual tries to access the state register of rights to real estate for the benefit of a legal entity when registering on the website of the Justice Ministry, they should indicate information on the legal entity and their identification code according to the unified state register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine.

The government also obliged the State Fiscal Service to provide identification in real time with information and telecommunications devices to help taxpayers registering on the website of the Justice Ministry to access the state register of rights to real estate.