09:23 05.01.2021

Registration for trial External Evaluation starts in Ukraine - Education Ministry

1 min read
Registration for trial External Evaluation starts in Ukraine - Education Ministry

 In Ukraine, on Tuesday, January 5, registration for the trial External Independent Evaluation (ZNO) 2021 started. Registration will last until January 19, inclusive, according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

"Today, January 5, 2021, registration for participation in a trial external independent assessment started. You can register until January 19, inclusive, on the website of the relevant regional center for education quality assessment," the ministry's press service said on Tuesday morning.

The Ministry of Education and Science reported that in order to register, one needs to fill out the registration form, enter the participant's personal account using the login and password received during registration, print a receipt, pay for the service of the trial External Independent Evaluation and check the fact of crediting funds in the personal account in 5-7 days.

As the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reported, due to the epidemiological danger, each participant will be able to choose only one subject for passing the trial External Evaluation: Ukrainian language, Ukrainian language and literature, history of Ukraine, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, English, Spanish, German or French.

Testing in all subjects will take place on the same day, April 10, 2021.