Volyn regional organization of Ukrainian Red Cross always ready to help people

Volyn regional organization of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) is a reliable support for different segments of the population, where people can always turn for help.
Today, Volyn regional organization of URCS consists of 17 local organizations, 52 employees, 182 volunteers and 421 members of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society.
Volyn regional organization of URCS implements a number of programs throughout the region, which are funded by public donations and cooperation agreements.
Such projects as Home care and support for the elderly, people with disabilities and their families, Mobile medical teams of the URCS funded by the German Red Cross, Psychosocial Support, Branch and Volunteer Development (BraVo), are among the programs.
Volyn regional organization of URCS provides humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons in the form of food, hygiene kits, medicines, clothing, and household items.
The organization also trains the population in first aid skills according to certified 6-12-hour training programs.
The list of services includes provision of medical and social support for patients diagnosed with tuberculosis (daily controlled treatment and provision of comprehensive psychosocial support to patients with sensitive and chemoresistant tuberculosis).
Rapid response units in the Volyn URCS are always ready to provide humanitarian assistance in case of disasters.
The URCS also reimburses the costs of paying for utilities to those who have sheltered internally displaced persons.
The search service of the Volyn regional organization of the URCS is preparing documents for the search for missing relatives for transfer to the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society.
May 8 is the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. The organizer and co-founder of the International Red Cross Movement was Swiss public figure Jean Henry Dunant. Since its foundation in 1863, the Red Cross has grown into a powerful global movement with many organizations of international, national, regional and local scale.
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society turned 105 years old this year. We remember the eternal truths laid down in the basis of the Red Cross movement: the need for mercy, humanism and help to each other. We're close.