Kuleba: Strategy of filtering aid to Ukraine drop by drop no longer works, strong decisions are end of war

The strategy of filtering aid to Ukraine drop by drop no longer works, we need timely supplies of weapons, strong decisions – the end of the war, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said.
"One thing is clear today, and we must openly admit it with bitterness and sobriety. I want all our partners to know that we are extremely grateful to you for what you have done for Ukraine, but the strategy of trickling aid into Ukraine drop by drop is no longer working. It's over. And if everything continues as it is now, it will not end well for all of us. Unhindered and timely supplies of all types of weapons and ammunition are necessary so that Ukraine defeats Russia, and the war in Europe does not spread directly to it," Kuleba said at a press conference in Lithuania with his Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian and French counterparts.
Kuleba said it is necessary to accept as a new reality that the era of peace in Europe is over.
"And this, in my opinion, is the message that Paris came to when it convened the summit a week ago: those who do not believe that a war can happen outside of Ukraine, crossing into territory that is currently NATO territory, please wake up, read history books, listen to what Putin is saying now, and find ten differences. You won't find it," the minister said.
According to him, at one time the occupation of the Baltic countries could have been avoided if strong decisions had been made.
"Why or how long will we continue to stumble over weak decisions in 2024? Weak decisions mean more war. Strong decisions mean the end of war. Everything is very simple. And the discussion started in Paris is the path to strong decisions," Kuleba believes.