Zaluzhny: UAVs, other advanced types of weapons almost the only tool for exiting military operations in positional form

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valeriy Zaluzhny, expressed his vision regarding important changes in approaches to warfare.
In his article for CNN, Zaluzhny expressed conviction that in order to defeat the enemy, Ukraine must be more mobile in tactics and means. He stressed the importance of using Ukraine's unique combat experience and finding new opportunities and ways to gain an advantage.
According to him, in this context, technologies have an undoubted advantage over tradition, since they allow increasing the number of contactless combat operations and, as a result, reducing the level of losses.
The general is confident that the future belongs to the latest technologies, thanks to which the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to conduct effective operations. As he stressed on his Telegram, "this is something that we at the General Staff have been working on for a long time to radically change strategic approaches, the very philosophy of preparation and making military and political decisions."
"Speaking about our own special strategy, we cannot in any way reject the fully existing doctrines describing the process of preparing and conducting operations. We must be aware that they will constantly change and be filled with new content. The principles of operational art will remain unchanged. So, taking into account today's requirements, our most important task will be to adopt a new point of view on the forms and methods of using the Defense Forces to achieve Victory," he explained in the article.
Zaluzhny pointed out that the main reason for the change in strategy, forms and methods of using troops is the development of weapons and military equipment, and especially unmanned systems, the use of which has become widespread and allows to perform an ever-growing wide range of tasks.
"Therefore, unmanned systems, along with other advanced types of weapons, are almost the only tool for exiting positional military operations, which are unprofitable for Ukraine in time for a number of reasons," he said.
In his article, the general notes that in the current situation there are a number of factors influencing decisions on the search for new forms of use of the Defense Forces. In particular, he listed some of them:
- the unstable political situation around Ukraine, which leads to a reduction in military support;
- a high probability of Russia provoking a number of more conflicts, following the example of Israel and Yemen, and distracting the main partners from supporting Ukraine;
- depletion of the partners' stocks of missiles and ammunition for artillery and air defense due to the high intensity of hostilities in Ukraine and the impossibility of their rapid manufacture against the background of a global shortage of gunpowder;
- insufficient effectiveness of the sanction policy, as a result of which the capacities of the military-industrial complex are being deployed in Russia and its partner countries, which makes it possible, at least, to successfully wage a positional war of attrition;
- a significant advantage in the mobilization of the enemy's human resource and the inability of state institutions in Ukraine to improve the state of recruitment of the Defense Forces without the use of unpopular measures;
- the imperfection of the regulatory framework regulating the military-industrial complex in Ukraine and the partial monopolization of this industry lead to difficulties in the production of domestic ammunition, as a result, Ukraine's deepening dependence on supplies from allies;
- the uncertainty of the further nature of the armed struggle of this scale and, as a result, the difficulties for the allies in determining the priorities of support.
In his opinion, perhaps the main option for gaining an advantage is to master the entire arsenal of relatively cheap, new and extremely effective rapidly developing tools.
"It is an attempt to take advantage of the achievements of progress in the development of new technologies that will allow us to win a scientific, technical, technological and tactical battle and will lead not only to an unconditional Victory, but also to saving and preserving resources both by Ukraine and our partners," Zaluzhny is sure.
According to the general, the need to significantly increase the capabilities of unmanned systems and other advanced technological systems, positively influence the course of hostilities, encourages the search for new forms and methods of application, which, in turn, will affect the structure of both the Armed Forces and other components of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.
He stressed that it is necessary to create a new design of operations based on existing technological capabilities, which will be based not only on the spatial and temporal indicators of military (combat) operations, but also primarily on creating decisive conditions and achieving appropriate effects that will contribute to the realization of the purpose of the operation.