19:09 20.12.2023

Over past month, eWork project more than doubles issuance of micro-grants, cuts number of grants for processing

2 min read

The number of enterprises that received grants under the eWork project over the past month amounted to 1,675, which is 894 more than a month earlier, due to a sharp increase in the issuance of micro-grants, the Ministry of Economy reported on its website on Wednesday.

"The state has already invested UAH 5.5 billion in business development through eWork grants. In total, 10,400 Ukrainians have received grants to start or expand their own businesses. Grant recipients will create more than 35,000 new jobs for Ukrainians," the ministry noted.

At the same time, the volume of grants issued over the last month decreased to UAH 500 million from UAH 600 million a month earlier.

It is noted that in general, since the launch of the eWork project in July 2022, some 9,634 micro-grants worth UAH 2.3 billion have been issued under the Own Business program, and 482 grants worth UAH 2.5 billion have been issued for the development of processing enterprises (487 for UAH 2.5 billion), for gardening and the development of greenhouse farming - 144 grants for UAH 631 million (133 for UAH 555 million), as well as for veterans and members of their families - 132 grants for UAH 50 million (120 for 45).

Over the past month, 1,621 micro-grants worth UAH 400 million were issued under the Own Business program (a month earlier - 708 for UAH 200 million), for gardening and the development of greenhouse farming - 11 grants for UAH 76 million (11 for UAH 65 million), as well as veterans and members of their families - 12 grants worth UAH 5 million (37 for 17).

The number of grants for the development of processing enterprises over the past month decreased by five without changing the amount, whereas a month earlier there were 70 issued for UAH 300 million.