18:05 13.12.2023

Subscribers begin reporting resumption of Kyivstar's work

1 min read
Subscribers begin reporting resumption of Kyivstar's work

The first subscribers of Ukraine's largest telecom operator Kyivstar began to report the resumption of its mobile network, in particular in Kyiv and Kyiv region.

According to messages on social networks and from subscribers with whom the agency spoke, the connection begins to appear after the phone is rebooted, but not yet for everyone.

Kyivstar subscribers are advised to restart the phone or turn airplane mode on and off to restore communication.

Earlier it was reported that the largest Ukrainian mobile operator Kyivstar, after a large-scale failure early in the morning on Tuesday, December 12, at 20:00 of the same day, partially restored the operation of fixed-line services, and on Wednesday, December 13, began restoring mobile services.

At the same time, the company has not yet announced the final deadline for eliminating the failure due to serious damage to the network infrastructure.