14:16 23.11.2023

Reps of URCS, Moldovan Casmed exchange experience in caring for older people

1 min read
Reps of URCS, Moldovan Casmed exchange experience in caring for older people

Representatives of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) and the Public Association Casmed (Moldova) exchanged experience in caring for older people.

"As part of a working trip to Moldova, specialists from the Home Care direction of the Ukrainian Red Cross and representatives of the Moldovan public association Casmed held a joint working meeting. The meeting's purpose is to exchange experience, improve skills and methodological capabilities in caring for the elderly," the society said on Facebook.

Activities to support older people are one of the priorities of the Ukrainian Red Cross. Currently, over 1,000 URCS's social assistants provide aid and support to almost 6,000 wards. First of all, this includes help at home, emotional support, and care services for lonely elderly people.