14:25 04.04.2023

Stoltenberg on Russian nuclear rhetoric: NATO to do everything so that Moscow does not miscalculate readiness of alliance to protect all allies

1 min read
Stoltenberg on Russian nuclear rhetoric: NATO to do everything so that Moscow does not miscalculate readiness of alliance to protect all allies

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg assures that in the event of a change in the nuclear balance of power between Russia and the alliance, everything will be done so that Moscow does not miscalculate the readiness of the organization to protect all allies.

He stated this on Tuesday in Brussels before the start of a two-day meeting of NATO foreign ministers, commenting on the nuclear rhetoric of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the request of journalists.

Stoltenberg called this rhetoric "dangerous."

"We will not be intimidated. We will continue to support Ukraine. Of course, NATO remains vigilant. We monitor very closely what Russia does. But so far, we haven't seen any changes in their nuclear posture that requires any change in our nuclear posture. We remain a nuclear Alliance, we deter and defend all Allies and of course, we continue to monitor what Russia does," the NATO Secretary General said.

At the same time, he said together the allies make up 50% of the world's military power. As long as we stand together, protect each other and do it in a reliable way, there will be no military attack on the alliance, Stoltenberg said.