12:30 02.08.2022

Ukrainian Ombudsman doesn’t receive response from UN to inquiries about mass murder of POWs in Olenivka

1 min read
Ukrainian Ombudsman doesn’t receive response from UN to inquiries about mass murder of POWs in Olenivka

The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets said that he had not received answers to his requests from the United Nations (UN) regarding the commission of a war crime by the Russian army in Olenivka, Donetsk region, as a result of which Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed en masse.

"I can inform you that we have communication with the International Committee of the Red Cross. As for the United Nations, our situation is worse: I am officially sending letters and requests. I did it on the first day – right after the tragedy. And I personally have not received any adequate signal, not even an official one. I can publicly confirm this," he said on the air of the national telethon #UArazom on Monday.