USA approves additional $200 mln in security assistance to Ukraine – media

In late December, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden quietly authorized the allocation of additional security assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $200 million, according to CNN, citing informed sources.
"The security package authorized the shipment of much of the same defensive equipment the United States has provided in the past, including small arms and ammunition, secure radios, medical equipment, spare parts and other equipment," the CNN publication said.
It is clarified that the package was authorized just weeks before the United States and Russia were set to begin this week's talks.
According to the channel's sources, the administration notified Congress of the new authorization earlier this month. Some officials found out about it through classified channels, the sources said.
According to the channel's sources, the Biden administration appeared to want to keep this new package out of the limelight ahead this week's talks.
The U.S. State Department has spoken to specific details surrounding the additional security assistance that was authorized.
"I am not going to get into every tranche and update of security assistance. The point is: we have given more security assistance to Ukraine in the last year than at any point since 2014. Those deliveries are ongoing, as recently as in the last few weeks, and there are more scheduled in the coming weeks," a State Department spokesperson said.