Cabinet approves Information Security Strategy of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine
The corresponding draft presidential decree was approved at a government meeting on September 15.
"This document includes the main measures to counter disinformation, manipulation and outright lies on the part of the aggressor state. In addition, the strategy provides for the fight against the low level of media literacy of Ukrainians, protection of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, support by mass media and measures of social and political stability," Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko said on Telegram.
It is noted that the strategy is designed for the period until 2025, taking into account the challenges associated with the rapid spread of digital technologies.
"During this time, the information space, effective counteraction to the spread of illegal content, information reintegration of Ukrainian citizens living in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine should be formed and protected," the minister added.
The Information Security Strategy must be approved by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, and put into effect by a presidential decree.