11:05 03.09.2021

World Bank may provide Ukraine with $150 mln in case of emergency response to COVID-19

2 min read
World Bank may provide Ukraine with $150 mln in case of emergency response to COVID-19

The World Bank will provide Ukraine with $150 million in case of emergency response to COVID-19, Health Minister Viktor Liashko said following a meeting with World Bank Director for Human Development in Europe and Central Asia Fadia Saadah during a working visit of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to the United States.

"We discussed the current state of implementation by the Ministry of Health of three World Bank projects with a total loan of $439.7 million. I received assurances of the possibility of additional funding of up to $150 million, if necessary, for an emergency response to COVID-19 and vaccination in Ukraine," Liashko wrote on Facebook.

According to the minister, a key element of cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the World Bank is to increase the rate of vaccination against COVID-19.

Within the framework of cooperation with the World Bank, a vaccine produced by Pfizer, refrigeration equipment for primary health care facilities, laboratory equipment and test systems are currently being purchased, as well as a sero-epidemiological study is being carried out to study seropositivity for coronavirus, a series of trainings for health workers and the work of a national contact center for countering COVID-19 is provided.

In addition, the minister agreed to extend the Serving People, Improving Health Project for Ukraine.