Ukraine introducing collection of biometric data of foreigners, stateless persons to obtain entry visas

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution on the introduction of the collection of biometric information from foreigners and stateless persons who will apply to foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine for obtaining visas to enter Ukraine.
"From January 1, 2022, when submitting a visa application, the authorized bodies will carry out mandatory documentation of the biometric data of visa applicants (photographing the face and scanning the fingerprints of both hands). The data will be stored in the visa information and telecommunications system for five years, after which it will be destroyed," the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said on Wednesday.
It is indicated that until this moment, the issuance of Ukrainian visas remained the only link in the identification of foreigners and stateless persons, which did not provide for the use of biometric data (they were recorded during border control, registration of a residence permit, etc.).
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that the introduction of documentation of biometric data of visa applicants will eliminate this gap and will simplify the procedure for identifying foreigners and stateless persons during/after their entry into the territory of Ukraine; improve the implementation by the competent authorities of Ukraine of control over the migration flows of foreigners and stateless persons; improve the coordination of the authorized bodies of Ukraine in the implementation of state migration policy; strengthen the fight against the use of forged documents.
The requirement will not apply to some categories of applicants, or will be applied to a limited extent (children under 12 years old, persons with diplomatic or service passports, persons with disabilities that make it impossible to submit biometric data, etc.).