09:45 08.02.2021

Radutsky hopes COVID-19 vaccination to start in Ukraine on Feb 15

2 min read
Radutsky hopes COVID-19 vaccination to start in Ukraine on Feb 15

Vaccination against coronavirus (COVID-19) disease should start in Ukraine on February 15, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Public Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance Mykhailo Radutsky said.

"Minister Stepanov personally guaranteed both at a meeting with the Servant of the People faction, and at a meeting with the President of Ukraine held at the Health Ministry, that from the second week, somewhere from February 15, vaccination would start with the first doses of vaccine that Ukraine would receive through the COVAX system. It will be Pfizer vaccine," Radutsky said on the air of the Podrobytsi Tyzhnia (Details of the Week) program on Inter TV Channel.

He said that 117,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine were expected to arrive. Radutsky also added that at the end of February, through the COVAX system, Ukraine should receive a vaccine produced by Astra Zeneca, and in March-April Ukraine should receive a vaccine purchased for the state budget.

"I have no reason not to believe Minister Stepanov [...] I hope that on February 15, our doctors and nurses who will work in mobile vaccination teams, and the medical staff working in infectious diseases hospitals with COVID-19 patients will receive the first doses of the vaccine," he said.