15:47 15.12.2020

Stepanov: About 21 mln Ukrainians from risk groups to be vaccinated free of charge from COVID-19

1 min read
Stepanov: About 21 mln Ukrainians from risk groups to be vaccinated free of charge from COVID-19

About 21 million people from risk groups are to be vaccinated free of charge from COVID-19, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said during a press briefing in Kyiv on Tuesday.

"The Ministry of Health has developed a clear vaccination plan and identified the groups of people whom we are obliged to vaccinate at the expense of the state. There are almost 21 million of such people. We believe that, first of all, it is necessary to vaccinate health workers, JFO fighters, people staying in boarding schools, homes for elderly people, educators, the National Police, the National Guard, people over 60, people with concomitant diseases," he said.