12:06 19.11.2020

Revolution of Dignity Museum being searched

1 min read
Revolution of Dignity Museum being searched

Law enforcement officers conduct searches in the premises of the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity. This was reported by the museum's press service on Facebook.

"We have a search! At these minutes, we have just opened and are holding an international scientific forum, we are preparing events for the anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, therefore [...] details will be later," the museum's press service said on Thursday.

Director General of the museum Ihor Poshyvailo said searches were also carried out at his house.

"At 07:00 in the morning, police officers and SBU investigators broke into the house and searched. In the morning, the same officers blocked the work of two more premises of the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity. Information carriers and documentation on financial and economic activities were seized (illegally)," Poshyvailo said.

MP from the European Solidarity faction Volodymyr Ariev informed about the search as well.

"I demand that the Security Service of Ukraine immediately provide public explanations for their actions," he wrote on Facebook.