18:17 24.09.2020

MFA launches new format of consultations to support Ukrainian exporters

1 min read
MFA launches new format of consultations to support Ukrainian exporters

 The Council of Exporters and Investors under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is launching a new format of interaction with Ukrainian business.

"In order to promote domestic products to foreign markets, the Council of Exporters and Investors under the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry will hold regular online briefings with the participation of Ukrainian ambassadors and representatives of Ukrainian business," the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

On Friday, September 25, the first pilot online briefing will be held by Ukrainian ambassadors in Qatar, Kuwait, UAE and Saudi Arabia for over 50 Ukrainian exporters.

During the sessions, participants will be able to consult with Ukrainian diplomats about the specifics of entering foreign markets, hear useful advice and recommendations, and discuss prospects for cooperation.

"To participate in the briefings, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine invites Ukrainian exporters to follow the news from the Council of Exporters and Investors on Facebook and on the website or register with the Council at://bit.ly/32XJ0Cg," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added.