Minsk ready to support U.S. participation in settlement in Ukraine

Belarus supports any formats of talks on the settlement in eastern Ukraine, including involving the United States, Belarusian Foreign Ministry Vladimir Makei said in Minsk on Saturday.
"As for Belarus' stance on Ukraine, everybody knows it. We intend to do our utmost to ensure that the crisis in Ukraine ends as soon as possible. We are ready to provide a venue for any meetings and talks in Belarus. We support any formats, including with the U.S. participation, if only they help to settle the crisis in Ukraine," Makei said following a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Pompeo, in turn, said that the settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine was one of the issues he had discussed with the Belarusian president and the foreign minister. According to Pompeo, Minsk hopes that the U.S. would continue playing its constructive part in the prevention of those threats that exist in the eastern and southern Ukraine and participating more actively in ensuring that a relevant way out, a relevant approach is found.
At that, Pompeo emphasized that the whole world must take part in the settlement of this conflict. It is the issue, where the entire Europe, the entire world must be involved to find a solution to this issue, he said.
Ultimately, Russia and Ukraine must resolve this issue on their own, he said. But the U.S. will do all it can, Pompeo said, adding that his country will help Ukraine achieve the level of democracy, which he had discussed with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky yesterday.