Verkhovna Rada calls parliaments of NATO member states to ask its foreign affairs chiefs to speed up providing MAP to Ukraine

In late hours of December 3, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has taken a document on the priority steps ensuring Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine – the acquisition of full membership of Ukraine in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
"The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine calls on the Parliaments of NATO member states, in accordance with paragraph 23 of the Declaration of the NATO Bucharest Summit 2008, to appeal to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of their countries with a proposal to accelerate the granting of the Membership Action Plan to Ukraine," reads the statement posted by MP and Head of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to the NATO PA Yehor Chernev on Facebook.
The parliamentarians in their statement stressed that "today Ukraine was actually the eastern border of the North Atlantic Alliance, and its dedication to resisting Russian aggression makes a significant contribution to peace and security throughout the transatlantic space."
In addition, the Verkhovna Rada calls on the NATO PA at its regular spring session on May 22-25, 2020 in Kyiv to consider at the plenary session the issue of appealing to NATO heads of state and government to provide Ukraine with the MAP.
"The Verkhovna Rada declares that supporting Ukraine's integration into NATO and providing our country with a Membership Action Plan is the most effective and credible investment in peace and security, another step in strengthening the international security system," the document reads.
It was reported that the text of the statement of the MPs concerning the further progress of Ukraine to NATO in the first reading was published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Tuesday, while the text in the second reading, adopted by the majority of deputies, should have issued on the site on December 4.