NACP launches Corrupt Officials Register

The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has launched the state register of individuals who have committed corruption or corruption-related crimes, the agency said on its website.
"The National Agency has created and opened access to the Register of Corrupt Officials," it said.
The register contains information about persons who are brought to criminal, administrative, disciplinary or civil liability for committing corruption or corruption-related offenses, as well as legal entities to which criminal law measures have been taken for such offenses.
Using the register through the NACP website, a registered user can receive a statement regarding himself or herself on the basis of personal data indicated in his or her electronic digital signature (EDS).
A statement for legal entities is formed on the basis of the data specified in the EDS of a legal entity by searching the Registry by the name of a legal entity, a code in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and NGOs, and by an identification code for non-residents.
Access to the register is free of charge, the NACP said. It also provides an option of getting "a free statement as a self-service for legal entities participating in public procurements."