12:14 09.05.2018

Poroshenko urges Ukrainians not to fall under Kremlin propaganda

2 min read
Poroshenko urges Ukrainians not to fall under Kremlin propaganda

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko calls on his compatriots not to fall under the influence of Kremlin propaganda, remembering those killed in the Second World War.

"I very well understand the feelings of Ukrainians who want to honor the memory of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers who gained the victory in the Second World War. But I must once again warn fellow Ukrainians, those who have not fully understood all the nuances of Moscow's sly policy, the part that still believes Russian propaganda and its camp followers from the fifth column of various political forces within the country, the parliament and beyond. They do not think about you and your pride, your deep and grateful son's love for your heroic ancestors, but about their geopolitical imperial aggressive goals. It must be admitted that the Kremlin psychologists are able to play with the natural emotions of people. I beg you, be careful. And please do not let yourself be used," the president said during "First Minute of Peace" memorial event in Kyiv at night.

Poroshenko paid attention to how differently Russia and Ukraine see and celebrate the same date.

"They celebrate in a militaristic passion, having bristled up against the whole world, and we, together with the whole Europe, commemorate the deceased," the president said.

"Russia considers even the "Immortal Regiment" as a genuine unit of the modern armed forces of Russia. Its mission is to participate in a hybrid war, which Moscow conducts in a variety of ways, and not only against Ukraine, but also against the European Union, the United States and other countries. Actually, against the whole world," he added.

As previously reported, Poroshenko on Tuesday took part in events dedicated to the Day of Memory and Reconciliation.

On May 9 Ukraine marks the Victory Day over Nazism in the Second World War.