Poroshenko proposes limiting period for registration of belonging to Ukrainian citizenship

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has proposed that the Verkhovna Rada legislatively improve the provisions determining the grounds for acquiring Ukrainian citizenship, primarily by territorial origin, through the introduction of amendments to the law on Ukrainian citizenship.
According to the explanatory note to bill No. 8297, which was submitted by Poroshenko to parliament as urgent, it "was developed with the aim of improving the provisions establishing the grounds for acquiring Ukrainian citizenship, primarily by territorial origin, additional grounds on which persons are not accepted into Ukrainian citizenship, the powers of state bodies participating in the resolution of questions of Ukrainian citizenship regarding verification of the grounds for its acquisition, agreeing and deciding on registration."
Among other things, the presidential bill foresees the introduction of changes that "limit in time the period within which the citizenship of Ukraine must be registered for persons recognized as citizens of Ukraine under clauses 1-3, Part 1, Article 3 of the law on Ukrainian citizenship.
According to the comparative table, the president proposes stating the above points in the following way: "1) all citizens of the former USSR who at the time of Ukraine's independence (August 24, 1991) permanently resided on Ukrainian territory and whose belonging to Ukrainian citizenship was established before May 1, 2018"; "2) persons irrespective of race, color, political, religious or other opinion, sex, ethnic or social origin, property, place of residence, language or other characteristics who, at the time of entry into force of the law of Ukraine on Ukrainian citizenship (November 13, 1991), lived in Ukraine and were not citizens of other states and whose belonging to the citizenship of Ukraine was established before May 1, 2018"; "3) persons who arrived in Ukraine for permanent residence after November 13, 1991 and who, in the 1974 passport of a citizen of the former Soviet Union, had the inscription 'citizen of Ukraine' made by the bodies of internal affairs of Ukraine, and the children of such persons who arrived together with their parents in Ukraine and at the time of arrival in Ukraine did not reach the age of majority, if the said persons applied for Ukrainian citizenship, and whose belonging to the citizenship of Ukraine is established (registered) before May 1, 2018."
Poroshenko in his bill also proposed narrowing the circle of persons – natives of Ukraine, in the presence of whom a person has the right to acquire Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin.
In addition, the author of the draft law proposes introducing a provision according to which the citizenship of Ukraine by territorial origin cannot be obtained by a person who committed a crime against humanity or carried out genocide, convicted in Ukraine for committing a grave or especially grave crime (until maturity or removal of a criminal record), or who committed on the territory of another state an act that is recognized by the legislation of Ukraine as a grave or especially grave crime.