18:01 03.02.2018

Ukrainian members of Joint Center for Control and Coordination in Donbas warn again environmental disaster

1 min read

Ukrainian members of the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) in Donbas have informed that the crime of inaction by the so-called "leaders" of certain districts in Donetsk region (ORDO) may soon translate into an environmental disaster with unpredictable consequences.

They ignore applications from enterprises in Donbas for security guarantees for the period of maintenance and repairs to critical infrastructure facilities, the Ukrainian side said on Facebook on Saturday, February 3.

"The situation at sludge collector of the 3rd sector of industrial wastes at coking and chemical facilities of LLC NPO Inkor & Co (located near the village of Novhorodske in Donetsk region) needs to be urgently addressed," the report says.

The JCCC explained that the need for immediate maintenance and repairs to the sludge storage facilities is caused by a large amount of precipitation and seasonal temperature fluctuations.

The Ukrainian side says that it is currently impossible to carry out the repairs as there are no security guarantees from the ORDO.